The Complete Walk: Shakespeare 400

2016 marks 400 years since the death of William Shakespeare, inspiring a series of events to celebrate his works and their legacy. 

The Complete Walk enables you to experience all 37 of Shakespeare's plays as you walk along the banks of the River Thames. 37 films (all 10 minutes long) will be shown at different points between Westminster Bridge and Tower Bridge. You can choose to follow the trail or just drop in and out of the films you want to see. Plus, the films will feature an array of actors including, Peter Capaldi, Gemma Arterton, Toby Jones and Dominic West. Best of all, the event is free!

When: Saturday 23 April, 10.00am – 10.00pm

            Sunday 24 April, 10.00am – 8.00pm

Where: South Bank and Bankside, Central London