London Insiders: Laura Goldmeier Marketing Manager at Cutter and Squidge

London maybe be busy and a little overwhelming, but we love it. This series is all about the people that make our city so inviting and culturally lush. Our latest installment of our London Insiders series features an interview with Cutter and Squidge's Marketing and Business Development Manager Laura Goldmeier.

Tell us about Cutter and Squidge?
Cutter & Squidge is a work of love. We’re a family owned business, put a lot of thought into each product, and all of them are made using all natural ingredients, something we’re quite passionate about. As creators of the Biskie, we’re really happy to be able to provide an exclusive product made with half the usual amount of sugar and, of course, we’re very proud of our Dream Cakes!
What is your favourite product at C&S?
I am an absolute fan of the Coconut Dream Cake! It has so many layers and textures of coconut in it, and it brings back childhood memories for me – my dad used to take me for coconut ice cream as a child, and the taste of the cake brings me right back to those moments.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
I love being able to deliver some sweet happiness to people. Also, as a small company, we can get involved in different parts of the process and give our input. It’s a very open culture company, and very satisfying to be able to be a real part of the magic!
Do you have a favourite borough?
I love anything by the water, and one of my favourite things is to stroll down the canals at Little Venice on a sunny day.
What is your favourite gig venue in London?

I like the way the Roundhouse brings audience and artist together in a cozy atmosphere. Gigs there are so energy loaded I feel revived after a night of good music.
What are your top three tracks of the moment?
I love 'I Can’t Feel My Face' by The Weekend for some good dancing, and anything from Belle & Sebastian, my favourite all time band.
Do you have any tips for new Londoners?
Enjoy all the good and different food you can find in the city! London is such a multi cultured city that allows you to try almost anything so enjoy it! And of course, stop for some cake at our shop in Soho.

If you want to tuck into some of the sweet treats Cutter and Squidge serve up, you can visit their store on Brewer Street in Soho or order up some sweetness via Deliveroo.